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I create meaningful symbols which become SOULFUL SIGILS. The four types of Sigils I create are; Personal Energy, Norse Bindrune, Celtic Ogham Stave or Galdramyndir Icelandic. You may combine these as well.
They are energetically infused with your intention and activated for you. You can connect with them each day as they purposefully have transformative powers. Soulful Sigils go beyond decorative as they help connect you to your inner self and focus your energies towards your greatest strengths.
Personal Logo/Symbol which connects you to your Higher Power/SOUL to aid you on your quest in discovering your unique Truth and Purpose. Because this Soulful Sigil is channeled I have no idea what design will present itself. These are one of a kind and unique.
Connect you to your Truth through Meaning by utilizing 2 to 4 Runes in a linear or radial design. These may be of a simple or complex design. Runes are an ancient form of divination as they are letters from an Old Norse ancient Germanic alphabet. Each Rune has a deeper meaning beyond its sound . A meaning that was traditionally held as a secret holy concept which makes them timeless. Runes are a great way to guide your way through problems or decision making.
Icelandic magical Staves are sigils that area created with a magical effect. They hold strong ties to Old Norse Paganism. They are used to provoke things like fertility , protection, wisdom and more. Galdabok is a collection of 47 spells, sigils, and staves. The Huld Manuscript contains spellwork, magic symbols runic tables and staves. There are 3 types. Aegishjalmur which are magic sigils built around a radial form. Galdramyndir is a magic picture sigil which is made using a secret keys that’d hide their meaning to anyone who sees them. Galdrastafir these are signs or magic staves which began as Runic symbols making up words or names in Old Norse but become unrecognizable. This was a very secretive practice. Whichever are chosen this symbol should be in alignment with the goal your working on.
Utilize an ancient Celtic alphabet which consist of 20 symbols each correlating to a specific Tree Wisdom of the Druids. These symbols can be used for divination by ascribing each tree to individual characteristics. Ogham Staves will guide you to your highest aims and potential.
All Soulful Sigils celebrate the magic of nature and ancient symbols, while promoting your responsibility in bringing forth a brighter future for yourself as well as connecting you to all that is.
Take a look at the different examples of Sigils I offer . Are you drawn to a Unique Personal Energy Sigil or Bindrune Sigil? It may be helpful to familiarize yourself with these choices by accessing my Blogs. More details on individual offerings are given to you there which will help you towards making a decision on which type of SOULFUL SIGIL best serves you. More will come in time but we are just beginning this journey together. I hope you will share how you use your Soulful Sigil to help others in their unique journey as well.
These are unique one of a kind sigils matching your Energies in Symbol form to your HIGHER SELF/SOUL. Think of this as your personal LOGO! This is done in Sacred Ritual utilizing several magical tools some of which I have pictured below . I will then prepare a Personal Reading for you. I ’ll take this information along with your Intention statement to create your Unique SOULFUL SIGIL. These may take on several different forms like sacred geometry, earthly or celestial, I never know in advance.
Before creating your Channeled Personal Soulful Sigil I will conduct a Rune Casting and Ogham Stave Divination Reading along with utilizing several magical tools. I use Oracle and Taro decks, divination dice, magic wand, pendulum, shamanic drum, tuning forks, crystals and more in a Sacred Ritual Space. Intuition guides me towards which tools will be utilized at the time. This gathered information is Channeled to me and therefore your Sigil is an extension of your uniquely Personal Energies or Higher Self. This is your Divine Source Connection in Symbol form. I then will create and imbue your Intention energetically into your Personal Soulful Sigil so you may manifest this intention into reality through your actions.
Are you drawn to Norse Runes and or Celtic Ogham Staves? Write a simple Intention statement then I will match 2 to 4 Runes which best convey that intention. I will add an Ogham Stave if you desire. Magic BindRunes come in (Linear vertical or horizontal Rune Stave) or (Circular mirrored Rune Stave) forms and you can stipulate if you prefer simple or complex design. I will energetically imbue your Soulful Sigil with your intention when complete. Suggestions for Intention could be -Manifesting Your Dreams/Achieving Your Goals/Become your Highest Self/Healing & Renewal/Assist in Ascension Process/Break Through Self Doubt/Love and Acceptance/Protection from Negativity/Love & Abundance.
I suggest looking on my blogs for Elder Futhark Rune & Ogham Staves meanings before you select them or allow me to select for you.
I also offer Icelandic Galdramyndir “magic picture” sigils. These are made by using a secret key which hides their meaning to all but me and you. Examples are within the other sample types Shown below.
If you’d like an in depth explanation to your SOULFUL SIGIL I will prepare a separate Reading on them.
I also offer separate Readings for any questions you may have . These may utilize Runes, Ogham, Oracle Decks, Taro Decks, Divination Dice, Charms and more in endless combinations. I have a wide variety Of decks and magical tools I’ll choose from depending on your specific needs and desires.
I will meet with you through ZOOM Video to discuss your needs whether that is creating a SOULFUL SIGIL or conducting a Personal Reading for you or both. I will be available to discuss the outcomes of your readings As well. If you’re more comfortable with email it ‘s also available to you.
All SOULFUL SIGILS ARE SENT TO YOUR EMAIL DIGITALLY unless arrangements are made in advance to mail the original insured or pick up locally in Western Massachusetts. They will be specially wrapped anlong with the inclusion of an inspiring personal message. All others will be placed on a Sacred Alter and then burned in a Sacred Fire Ritual. All ashes are then released to the other Elements Of Earth, Wind and Water and Aether.
Your Soulful Sigil will be created using black markers or ink on archival parchment. The overall size may vary, yet will never exceed 6" x 6”. There are several styles your Sigil can take on but we can discuss that further via Zoom or Email. (Please review all Sigil Examples to decide which type you’re interested in receiving) All SOULFUL SIGILS are energetically imbued with your intention and their edges are burned to activate it in Sacred Ritual. Please be advised you will receive a digital copy only Sent directly to your Email. If you also wish to receive the original then you must pay extra for insured mailing directly to you. When original is not mailed it will placed on a special Altar and eventually burned in a Sacred Fire Ceremony then released into the Elements. Please understand if mailed I can not guarantee it will reach you safely. If you live in or around Western Massachusetts we can arrange to meet. I like Tea and Coffee, but I caution you, I talk a LOT...
I am inspired by Nature,Astrology, Numerology, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Knowledge and the Spirit Realm.
However you feel called: Tattoo/Drum/Bury/Meditate
Magically charged Bind-Rune with your Intention
Made from the Rib Bones of my friends Mare.
Ancient Celtic Tree Wisdom Staves can be included
Helm of Awe for protection during Shamanic Journey
Made from Reindeer Antler great Healing Vibrations
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